Corporate mindfulness classes offer real benefits for all organisations. Mindfulness sessions can be offered as a value added perk for prospective employees, which can help with the recruitment process. It can also be used as a mechanism to bring about positive change within a business. Mindfulness sessions that incorporate meditation can stimulate more considered decision making as well as less days off sick. If any members of your team are suffering from anxiety, insomnia or stress, mindfulness can provide them with the tools they need to bring about positive changes and look at life from a new more balanced perspective. Classes can be tailored to your organisations needs so get in touch for a quotation.
Less sick days lost
Mindfulness twinned with yoga or other exercise can revitalise the immune system and the major organs of the body, removing waste products such as alcohol up to three times more quickly. Improved immunity means less work days are lost through colds, fatigue and other non-specific illnesses.
Less back pain
119 million working days are lost due to back pain each year in the UK. By becoming more aware of posture and their other habits your team members can better manage their health resulting in less sick days.
Better problem solving skills
Meditation harmonises the left and right sides of the brain so that logical and creative thought come together as one. Flashes of inspiration should become increasingly common.
Quicker response time
By training you in the art of single pointedness, corporate mindfulness immediately improves mental concentration and focus.
The ability to Stay Cool Under Pressure
Stress is like an enclosing wall all around us. Meditations such as ‘Awareness of Breath’ can create a genuine sense of inner and outer space. Tightening deadlines, interpersonal conflict and other stresses will lose their grip as you learn to breathe and stand your ground.