Working Your Core May Be Damaging Your Back

Core Exercises for healthy backA recent study has shown that the trend towards targeting and conditioning the transverse abdominal muscles may have potential for developing chronic lower back pain. Often the focus of many fitness and yoga classes, core conditioning has become a common theme for fitness enthusiasts. However, the application of core training is showing signs that excessive overloading of only key groups like the rectus abdominus (6 pack) and the transverse abdominus (inner circular layer) can generate tension imbalances on the vertebrae.

Understanding that the framework of support around the spine must always be in balance, this study recommends that core conditioning be promoted more effectively through working all the supportive musculature and not just the tissues that associated with a 6 pack.

We recommend reading this insightful article and study especially for those who teach fitness and yoga: click here to read article/study

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