Yoga in Clapham

There are a huge selection of Yoga classes and workshops available all over Clapham. As discussed yesterday finding a yoga class that you feel comfortable with is very importance to your yoga journey. The Tulip Yoga studio offers a wide range of yoga classes. Also the Awareness Centre offers a diverse selection of yoga classes and therapies to suit most needs.

Yoga for everyone


Nearly everyone will eventually encounter some health challenge —  a tweaked back or knee, a little bit of back pain, or the natural process of growing older—that temporarily or permanently alters our asana practice. Yoga can be adapted to benefit everyone from the young, fit, and able-bodied to elders with arthritis.

Medical research has documented yoga’s benefits for some special-needs populations. Researchers found that older adults and people with multiple sclerosis who participated in a weekly yoga class and home practice for six months showed significant improvement in measures of fatigue compared to a control group that didn’t practice yoga.

Yoga’s ability to help stooped seniors stand taller was demonstrated in a recent study of older women with hyperkyphosis (a.k.a. dowager’s hump). Research found that one-hour yoga sessions twice a week for 12 weeks helped participants increase their height, reduce the forward curvature of their spines, and improve their scores on physical tests that assessed everyday tasks like walking, rising from a chair, and reaching for an object in front of them. Participants also said the yoga helped reduce pain, improve breathing, and increase endurance.

Although Western scientists are just beginning to study yoga’s potential to alleviate many chronic health conditions, a large number of practitioners swear it’s made a huge difference in their lives. Others, credit it with helping them build and maintain strength, flexibility, and balance.

Always remember to breath

The breath is the most important part of the pose. Never sacrific the breath for any of the yoga poses. Learning to breathe deeply and move with the breath is crucial,whether you’re lifting just one finger or your entire body.

Use props to your advantage

Whether your difficulties involve strength, endurance, stability, mobility, flexibility, or postural challenges, the primary solution is similar: Modify the traditional poses, using props if necessary, so you can safely perform their key actions.

If you would you like to know more about Yoga Wellbeing classes in Clapham click here.

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